
I am doing something radical for myself this year – no resolutions. For someone who loves accomplishments and goals, who expects and demands a lot from themselves, entering this New Year without a resolution is both disorienting and provocative. You see, I have been getting more and more curious about who I really am. And […]

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My spouse and I have a row of day lilies that bloom every summer. One of our favorite past times is sitting on the porch, hot morning drink in hand, and watching in awe as petals open to the sun. This year we planned a vacation, not realizing that it would coincide with blooming time.

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For those of you who were at the informational meeting on the upcoming trip to India, our guest was ½ hour late. It was a strange occurrence, as she gave herself 4 hours to arrive from the cities (getting stuck in downpours of rain and construction) and reported to me later that she is never

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